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All of you is welcome here...

Here you get to understand yourself with love and compassion.
If you have been searching for where to start or your next level of healing 
you are in the right place.  

When you understand your inner world~
You are able to master your outer world


Trust yourself 

Create healthy boundaries 

Know your worth 

Have you created the life that you have envisioned?

Are your relationships, your career, your business, motherhood, your life what you imagined? 

Are you ready to get living your one brilliant life on purpose? 

Nothing changes until you do!

How to work together

You are worth the work

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Online meeting
Image by Caroline Veronez

Step 1

Book your complimentary
get acquainted call

Step 2

See if we are a good fit during our complimentary chat over zoom. Together we decide the next best step forward for you.

Step 3

As we work together you will witness your growth as your self-compassion and unconditional self-acceptance grow. I'll guide you along the path of self-awareness and self-acceptance, providing you with the tools you need to lead a more fulfilling life. I will  provide you the support you need to overcome any obstacles in your way.

Maybe you have been on the journey of understanding yourself for some time, maybe you are just starting to get curious about yourself. Maybe you have done some of the "things" or all of the "things" and you know you are still not living life the way you desire. 


If you are here you are ready to understand your emotional and mental blocks, your limiting beliefs, you are ready to understand yourself. You are ready to move beyond unhealthy and unhelpful behaviour patterns so you can trust yourself, speak your truth, and live the authentic life you envision. 

You are here right now because the deeper parts of you are calling to be seen, held, understood and reclaimed.  
You know there is so much more possible for you, there is no doubt about it.
You are ready for deep transformational work, to be truly heard, held, and seen.

If you are ready to reclaim all of your parts and understand yourself in a way that you never have, you are in the right place.

Maybe you are even doubting if this is truly possible for you. I am here to tell you that the life you envision is waiting for you, that is why you are here now.  
Imagine not tormenting yourself over what is or isn't happening in your life.
Understand yourself, your blocks, your triggers, your self-deprecating behaviour and thought patterns without self-judgement, shame or blame so you can remove your inner blocks, be seen, trust yourself, create new behaviour and thought patterns, be the woman you were born to be, embrace and reclaim all of you so you can be living your life on purpose.

“The freedom to be yourself is a gift only you can give yourself. But once you do, no one can take it away.”
~Doe Zantamata


Do you...


  • exhaust yourself for validation from others ? â€‹


  • struggle with setting healthy boundaries or even knowing what that means?


  • struggle with charging the rates you know your work is worth?


  • let fear, shame, blame and guilt keep you small, quiet, and stuck?


  • frequently feel angry, anxious, resentful, frustrated, overwhelmed?​


  • struggle to feel 'good enough' no matter how much you do?


  • fear failing or disapproval while also fearing success and fulfilment?

  • consciously or unconsciously look for your parent(s) permission and approval to fully live your life authentically and on your own terms?


  • feel competitive with other women?


  • feel you must remain small, quiet or 'good' to be accepted and loved? 



         Are you ready...


  • to understand your emotional triggers so you are less triggered 


  • to have a life more in balance with your values and needs 


  • to learn how to set healthy boundaries and make yourself a priority without shame, blame or judgement â€‹


  • to trust yourself â€‹â€‹


  • to live on your terms emotionally, physically, financially, mentally, and spiritually


  • to be responsive instead of reactive 


  • to know and fulfill your own wants, needs and desires


  • to stop beating the crap out of yourself

  • to embrace this glorious life of yours and live on your terms 


  • to create the business that you want


  • To live and purpose and be UNSTOPPABLE 


  • to love yourself and your life

Mother and Daughter Love
The truth...Nothing changes until you do 
When we work together you will 

~Have the ability to be more present
~Find your powerful voice
~Grow your business from the inside out 
~Be comfortable being seen and heard 

~Be less reactive and more responsive
~Have more joy, happiness and love

~Understand yourself, your patterns, and your emotional triggers 
~Learn how t
o fulfill your wants, needs, and desires
~Learn to make yourself a priority, set boundaries that serve you
~Stop the endless need for external validation

~Create your personalized toolkit to ensure these changes are real and lasting

Visualize trusting yourself
~as the entreprenuer, coach, or healer you are so you can build your business into the vision that you hold for it 
~as the leader you are so you can lead from your heart and trust your voice
~as a mother so you can parent the way you feel and know is right

Imagine a life where you are calm, valued, seen and heard.
Where you unconditionally love yourself and your business and  life are flourishing, a life where you know your worth. 

This is all possible.

Hi, I'm Kate 

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I get you, I am you.​


My passion and purpose it to support you to live your best life, a life where you love and trust yourself. A life where you are rocking your purpose,  unconditionally accepting yourself and living on your terms.  

Imagine living without resentment, frustration, anger, shame, blame, and/or guilt. 

Imagine being fully present with yourself, and your loved ones, to know deep inside you are enough. To not have to prove yoursel
f by being everything to everyone because you know your worth. To unconditionally love yourself. 


You can live a life on your terms, where you aren't triggered, or reactive. A life where you are joyous, calm, responsive, and self-compassionate a life where you love, trust, and understand yourself. 


Working together you can reclaim your life, understand your unhealthy and unhelpful patterns and the origin story of your core wounds.  You will create new patterns. You can be the person that you know is inside of you longing to be seen and heard. 

You will no longer â€‹â€‹

  • shame, blame, or guilt, yourself for what is or isn't happening in your business or life

  • put unrealistic expectations on yourself to... 

    • always be happy​

    • be perfect, do it all  

    • only focus on the positive 

    • do more, be more 

    • to be more than a human


You will be the woman that

  • owns your brilliance

  • loves yourself because you understand yourself 

  • has radical self-acceptance and self-compassion 

  • is responsive instead of reactive

  • is present with all your emotions, as well as those of your clients, your students, the people in your life in a healthy way

  • is rocking your freaking brilliance and purpose on this planet! 


This and so much more is all possible, you are 100-million percent 


worth the work. 



I believe that my continued learning is vital to stay committed to my own healing work. Below are some of my certifications. My daily practice includes many activities that support me including yoga, meditation, getting to the trees, and self-compassion. I also work with my own coaches and healers to continue my evolution, and to stay connected, clear, and rooted.  
Integrative Somatic Parts Work-Certification 
The Embody Lab
Internal Family Systems informed 
Certified Mindfulness, Somatic Wellness Coach 
-Mindfulness Coach School 
Intuitive and Life Coach Certification-Atmana Academy
Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner
~a therapeutic approach developed by Gabor Mate
“The purpose of Compassionate Inquiry is to drill down to the core stories people tell themselves – to get them to see what story they are telling themselves unconsciously; what those beliefs are, where they came from; and guide them to the possibility of letting go of those stories, or letting go of the hold those stories have on them … That’s what Compassionate Inquiry is.”
~Gabor Mate
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